Report Card Information

Elementary Progress Reports are sent home every nine weeks.

This guide shares information about the elementary progress reports. Elementary Progress Report

Reading Levels:

Emergent: Emergent readers are becoming aware of print as something that carries a
message; know some sounds and names of letters of the alphabet, are developing directional
movement (left to right, top to bottom, etc.); are establishing one to one correspondence by
finger-pointing, locate some known words, use picture clues; begin to use pattern and repetition in the text; use some letter sounds (beginning/ending), and respond to texts by linking meaning with their own experience. (Grades K and early first)

Beginning: Beginning readers have good control of early reading strategies such as
directionality, one-to-one word matching, and locating known words; rely less on picture and
more on information in print; are beginning to build their knowledge of high-frequency words that they know with automaticity; read familiar text with phrasing and fluency; notice and attend to punctuation in reading; use more than one source of information; are beginning to monitor their own reading and to self-correct; use phonetic clues to help them decode, and engage in some discussions about what is read. (Grades K and 1st Grade)

Transitional: Transitional readers use multiple sources of information (meaning, language
structure, visual information, etc.) and a variety of strategies to read; make predictions and
confirm or revise them when reading; monitor their reading for understanding; use familiar parts of words (beginning, middle, end) to help them read unknown words; know many high-frequency words with automaticity; read punctuation marks appropriately; read most texts with phrasing and fluency; read a variety of longer and more complex texts; are becoming aware of story structure and literary language; engage in discussions about what is read, and identify details from the text to support ideas. (Late First Grade and Second Grade)

Intermediate: Intermediate readers have good control of and use their reading strategies to
engage in reading more complex text; read with fluency and phrasing; know and use high-frequency words with automaticity; use their knowledge of word patterns and structure and
use context clues to read new, unfamiliar words; use a variety of decoding and comprehension strategies; engage in self-correction and self-monitoring; analyze details of the text to identify key features; make connections across texts, and engage in in-depth discussions about what is read. (Third and Early Fourth Grades)

Advanced: Advanced readers have excellent control of and use of a variety of reading and
decoding strategies which they use with ease as they engage in the new text; read to learn; share
extensively about their reading, making connections across texts; read with fluency, accuracy,
and expression; can skim text quickly to retrieve information and to infer; perform multiple
reading tasks simultaneously, and engage in in-depth discussions about what is read. (Late
Fourth and Fifth Grades)