
image of lewis armistead
Lewis Armistead
Coordinator of Transportation

If you have questions regarding the bus routes please contact the transportation office at

Rules for riding on a SCS School Bus

Student Behavior on the Bus

The bus is school property and riding the bus is a privilege. All school rules and expectations for behavior apply when riding the bus.

B - Be Safe

Be at your assigned bus stop five minutes before the scheduled bus arrival time

Look for the red lights to come on and the bus to stop

Wait for the driver to signal before approaching the bus or crossing the street

U - Use Good Manners

Use appropriate language with peers and the bus driver

Use a quiet voice when talking with others

Use cell phones and technology appropriately within your personal space

S - Stay Seated

Choose a seat and stay in it during the whole bus ride

Sit with your back to the back of the seat

Sit with your bottom to the bottom of the seat

Sit facing forward

A reminder that a parent/guardian or responsible adult should accompany young children to and from the bus stop.